Qualitative article critical appraisal

Qualitative article critical appraisal

The article is cited in APA format. The individual sections of the paper are separated and labelled with level headings. The article for this assignment is a NURSING article.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Proper grammar and sentence structure are evidenced. The article is attached to the assignment in the comments section.
Overview of the paper: An overview of the topic of the study is described. Describe why you chose this article and how the article has relevance to your own nursing practice.
Problem Statement: Describe the problem for the study. Was it clearly stated?
Purpose of the Study: Describe the purpose of the study. Was the purpose clearly stated in the article?
Research Question(s) and Hypothesis: Describe the study’s broad research question(s) and hypothesis (if present). State if these components of research were clearly stated in the article.
Independent and Dependent Variables: Describe the independent and dependent variables for the study (if they are stated in the article). Delineate if these components are clearly stated in the article. Describe if the research question(s) support a causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
Validity of the Study: Describe if there is congruency among the problem statement; the purpose of the study; the research question(s); and the independent and dependent variables. Describe what type of foundation that these relationships have for the validity of this study.
Quantitative Research: Briefly define characteristics of quantitative research studies (your textbook is an excellent resource). Describe how the use of the quantitative research methodology fits the overall purpose for answering the researcType of Quantitative Research Design: Describe the type of quantitative research design that was used for this study. State how this quantitative research design facilitated the researcher to answer the research question(s). (See the sub questions below and answer the questions that suit the type of quantitative design that was used in the article that was chosen. Use level headings for each item that is discussed). If the design is experimental or quasi-experimental, answer the following bulleted questions (as appropriate): Was there an intervention or treatment? Was the intervention adequately described? Was the control or comparison condition adequately described? Was an experimental or quasi-experimental design used? If the study was a RTC, what specific experimental design was used? Were randomization procedures adequately explained? Did the report provide evidence that randomization was successful – that is, resulted in groups that were comparable prior to the intervention? If cluster randomization was used, was there an adequate number of units? If the design is quasi-experimental, what specific quasi-experimental design was used? Is there justification for deciding not to randomize participants to treatment conditions? Does the report provide evidence that any groups being compared were equivalent prior to the intervention? If the design was nonexperimental, was the study inherently nonexperimental? If not, is there justification for not manipulating the independent variable? What specific nonexperimental design was used? If a retrospective design was used, is there justification for not using a prospective design? What evidence does the report provide that any groups being compared or similar with regard to important confounding characteristics? What types of comparisons are specified in the design (e.g. before-after, between groups)? Did these comparisons adequately eliminate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables? If there are no comparisons, or faulty comparisons how does this affect the study’s integrity and interpretability of the results? Was the study longitudinal? Was the timing of the time of the collection of the data appropriate? Was the number of data collection points reasonable? Was binding/masking used? Is yes, who was blinded and was this adequate? If not, is there an adequate rationale for failure to mask? Is the intervention the type that could raise expectations that in and of themselves could alter the outcomes? If the study was a survey, describe the methodology to collect data. In your opinion, was this the most appropriate method used to collect data? h question and conducting this study.
Reliability and Validity of the Instrument Utilized for the Study: Describe the reliability and validity measurement of the instrument(s) that was/were used to measure the study’s outcomes.
Sample for the Study: Describe the overall sampling plan. Was the sampling plan clearly identified?
Sampling Technique: Describe the criteria for the selection of the sample for the study. Describe how subjects were recruited to be part of the sample for this study. State if you believe that there was a representative and well-defined sample that met the sampling criteria for this study. If the sampling was stratified, describes if a useful stratification variable was selected. If the study was a randomized control trial answer the following questions: How were subjects assigned to groups? Was it random assignment to the experimental and control groups? Was random assignment concealed from the individuals who were first enrolling subjects into the study? Were the subjects and providers kept blind to the study group? Were reasons given to explain why subjects did not complete the study? Were the follow-up assessments conducted long enough to fully study the effects of the intervention? Were the subjects analyzed in the group to which they were randomly assigned? Was the control group appropriate? Were the instruments used to measure the outcomes valid and reliable? Were the subjects in each of the groups similar on demographic and baseline clinical variables?
Sample Size: Describe the sample size. State if the sample size was sufficiently large enough to support statistical conclusion validity.
Data Collection: Outline the data collection procedures. Describe if the collection of data used structured methods or used unstructured methods. State if the data collection procedure was consistent with the aims of the study. State your opinion regarding if the right amount of data were collected. Describes if the data that were collected addressed the varied needs of the study. Were too much data collected in terms of burdening study participants—and, if so, how might this have affected data quality? Delineate if the data collection instruments were adequately pretested. Give your opinion if the report provides sufficient information about data collection procedures. State who collected the data for this study. Was the training of data collectors described? Were steps taken to improve data collectors’ abilities to elicit or produce high-quality data, or to monitor their performance? Where and under what circumstances were data gathered? Was the setting for data collection appropriate? Were data collectors blinded to study hypotheses or to participants’ group status? What steps were taken to control confounding participant characteristics that could affect the equivalence of groups being compared? Were these steps adequate? Were validity and reliability measures reported for the data collection? If you selected an intervention study, is there evidence that attention was paid to intervention fidelity? For example, were staff adequately trained? Was the implementation of the intervention monitored? Was attention paid to both the delivery and receipt of the intervention?
Statistical Analysis of the Data: Where the statistical analysis appropriate to answer the research questions/hypothesis? Were the research hypotheses supported? Was there adequate statistical power to make this decision? If this was a cohort study, how likely was the outcome event/s in a specified period of time? How precise are the study estimates? If you selected a control randomized trial, please answer the following questions: What were the results? How large was the intervention or treatment effect (NNT, NNH, effect size, level of significance)? How precise is the intervention or treatment (CI)?
Results of the Study: Discuss the important results of the study. What types of evidence were offered in support of the interpretation, and was that evidence persuasive? Did the researchers discuss the limitations of the study and their possible effects on the credibility of the research evidence? If results were “mixed,” were possible explanations offered? Were results interpreted in light of findings from other studies? Did the researchers discuss the generalizability of the findings? Did the researchers draw any unwarranted conclusions about generalizability?
Presentation of the Findings: How were the specific findings presented in the article? Were data displayed in a manner that allowed the reader to verify the researcher’s conclusions? Was the presentation of the data logical, consistent, and easy to follow? Were tables, figures, or graphs used to present the data?

Overall Understanding of the Article: Does the writing effectively promote understanding? Does the report give the reader a clear picture of the research study?
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Implications for Use of this Research Article: Describe specific recommendations that were made by the authors. Were these implications appropriate, given the study’s limitations and the magnitude of the effects—as well as evidence from other studies? Did the researchers discuss the study’s implications for clinical practice (“clinical significance”), nursing theory, or future nursing research? State if you believe that the results of the study are relevant to persons in similar situations. How may the results of this study be applied to your own clinical practice?

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